Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Review By Shawn McKenzie 05/20/2002 I hate to gush like an uber-geek on a sugar high, but this movie was sweet! One word describes Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones: BADASS! Now that I got that out of the way, let's get into it. Why is it so good? Mainly it is because George Lucas seemed to have listened to what people were saying about the previous installment. Oh sure, George has been saying that this is always what he intended for Episode 2 to be like, but he had to have heard the overwhelming backlash over Jar-Jar. This movie had everything that a Star Wars fan could want. It had cool special effects (the best of any Star Wars movie), cool lightsaber battles, tight skimpy outfits for Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman), very little Jar-Jar (you get to hate him this time for doing something other than being annoying), and yoda, Yoda, YODA!!! Yoda rocked! He wielded that lightsaber so fast he looked like a firefly. Anything negative about the movie? The performances were a little wooden, but I am blaming the directing job performed by Mr. Lucas. Lucas is just not a actors' director. He is good at the storytelling and the special effects, but he should have let someone else direct to get a good performance out of these otherwise very good actors. Unlike the special effects in Spider-Man (which distracted me slightly; see my review), the performances in Episode 2 didn't distract me from fully enjoying this movie. It is because of this reason that I give it a perfect rating. Any more and I might freak you out (I've freaked out a couple of people trying to imitate Yoda's lightsaber battle!)
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Ratings System: SEE THIS MOVIE! Catch this movie at the theater if you can... Wait until it comes out on video... Wait until it plays on HBO, Showtime, Starz, etc... Demand your money back, even if you saw it for free! |